Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Seeing button

It's scan day!

I am excited. Very excited but I'm actually much more nervous than I thought I would be. As the day has drawn closer the nerves have really kicked in. I'll just be delighted when we get the thumbs up that everything is as it should be - and then I can start telling the world! Whooo hoooo! And that we can actually see button and know there is something there! Yeah, I've been calling it button.

A friend I grew up with who lived next door to me revealed she was pregnant just a week ago - we are just seven days apart! Unreal. I cannot wait to tell her!

My healthy eating has been.... well, it's been healthier. I am definitely eating five portions of fruit and veg a day but I am still managing to fit in lots of other things! Ooops! My PT session last week was really good. Not too hard at all and it gave me confidence to get back in the gym and get working out. So yeah, I need to actually do that!

Okay, I must dash - it's almost time to head to the hospital!

1 comment:

  1. I hope (I'm sure) all was well. I'm so excited for you! It's so lovely to see the baby.


Go on then, spill.