Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Weigh in

It's 3/4 on a pound on this morning. Rats.

I'm kinda feeling a bit zen about the scales. I've done a power of exercise this week and I am feeling good. I've definitely got a bit to go to get back to wedding weight (WW) but I am feeling a lot less bloated and so I'm really not too worried.

Also, I weighed myself at 5.40a, this morning (I'm telling ya, those few hours make a difference), last week was my first week of losing after a long haul flight and kick arse holiday, I'm pre menstrual - oh and I ate and drank too much over the weekend. Ha! There is that. Hmmm, yes... too many little treats here and there.

The challenge still rolls on though and we are now looking at 7.5 in 4. Yikes, just over half a stone in a month. Thing is, if i just make a few key tweaks here and there, it could be done.

I've got a hella busy five days coming up. Away with work tonight and at an event with work the following morning, then meeting a friend and getting home late. Friday, I've got my PT then TB and I are away this weekend at camp - which we need to plan activities for and buy all the stuff. Not sure when I will fit that in. Friday lunchtime? All of this involves a lot of eating out and eating where it's all catered for. I just need to make my mind up though. Am I doing this or am I not? I am, by the way.

I've also been looking into coconut flour, protein powder and maca powder, all things I've been meaning to try for a while but haven't quite got around to. Now is the time and I'll let you know how I get on with them, what I create with them and why I'm doing it.

Right peeps, have a kick arse Wednesday. x

Current Weight: 12 stone 7.5lbs
Weight Loss This Week: +0.75lbs

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