Thursday, 25 September 2014


We did it four times.

The first was just before we went to a barbecue. The second was about a week later and we were going to a wedding. The third another week later and was before we went to my nephew’s first birthday party, then straight onto a ceilidh. All very much with the “you never know” mindset. The fourth and final time was two days later after I had dug the third attempt out the bin, held it up to the light and peered intently at the window.

Was there something there, if I really screwed up my eyes, that I hadn’t seen before?

TB came home for lunch a few hours later by which time I was bursting for the toilet.  He barely made it in the front door before I launched myself at him.

“We’re trying another one”, I told him.
“Okay, but just don’t get your hopes up.”

Minutes later we were standing in the kitchen as the line got darker and darker, him grinning, me jumping up and down, dancing around.

“I can’t believe it”, I kept saying over and over again.
“We’re going to have a baby”.

Yes, the words I have longed and imagined typing and have worried about ever getting the chance to do so are about to leave my fingers. I’m pregnant! I am still in major disbelief. If my boobs hadn’t doubled in size and were causing me some amount of grief, I would think it was all a dream.  

It is still very early days. As of today I am only seven weeks. Really I shouldn’t be sharing this at this stage but I feel like by not telling, I am lying! This blog is all about my feelings and body image – two things that I really REALLY want and need to talk about so I can’t not reveal that this LoveCat is having a Lovekitten.


  1. Oh wow, what amazingly lovely, exciting news! Congratulations to you both. xx

  2. Oh my darling girl I am so so happy for you. Massive congratulations to you both xxx

  3. Congratulations, LC - great news. :-)

  4. Wow! Congratulations!

  5. How lovely! In seven months, your life will never be the same again! But mainly in a good way. Congratulations.

  6. Oh how fantastic for you both!! Life really coming up roses at the moment. I'm grinning from ear to ear right now (and not because we won the Ryder Cup BTW...I'm over that now). Fabbie fabbie fabbie!!!

    Lesley xxx

  7. Hoooolly shiza!! Wow!! How fackin' exciting!! Super crazy; been reading here for (god, really?!) 6-7 YEARS now?! So happy with the way things are going, everything falling in place!


Go on then, spill.