Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Weigh In. Number 5.

Before we get onto this week, let's revisit weigh in number 5. Last week saw a gain of 2.5lbs. Of course it did! After I stuffed my chubby cheeks with all things calorific and lard inducing in Germany there as was no way anything other than a gain was going to be my reward penance.

I really tried hard this week and something I made an concerted effort to do was to make sure I ate plenty of all the right things. I upped my protein and my fruit and veg.

I also had the weekend to myself; no trotting off to see the boy and so I could eat exactly what I wanted.

Finally - exercise.  I went to the gym once and I also pounded the pavement twice (5km both times). It was hard going, I've not been running outside since last year but I surprised myself with how well I got on.

Have I built this up enough yet?....

Okay, okay - I lost 5lbs. Finally - a loss worth shouting about! Half of that was holiday weight (I weighed in the day after I got back from hols) and so it's not really quite as spectacular as if I was coming at it from a standing start.

Don't get me wrong though - bloody delighted!

Starting Weight: 205 pounds
Current Weight: 197.5 pounds
Weight Loss This Week: 5 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 7.5 pounds


Go on then, spill.