As you know while I've been in London and in the last few days before I jet off on holiday (getting very excited now!) I've been trying to stick to my diet and shoehorn a few last workouts in. And how have I been getting on. Pretty damn good!
I was a but nervous about putting my dress on that I was going to wear to the wedding. It was short-ish (knee length), hot pink and strapless- and a size 14 French Connection. I need not have worried. It fitted brillantly and I think I looked pretty damn hot. I certainly felt really really good. And not just in my body but my face too. I know I'm more attractive when there is less fat on my visage and with less of it on there now I feel like I don't need to put on a 'camera face' I can just smile, or make a stupid face. I've also had a few complements which has been so so nice and has just given me that extra shot of confident. An old friend at the wedding said he noticed I had lost a shit load of weight (not that much actually since I last saw him when I was almost at this weight) and a really hot guy on Friday night told me he thought I was lovely and just new that I had a boyfriend. Not a sleazy chat up - just a really nice complement. And I bloody loved it.
So what has been passing my lips and how much I have been sweating... I've actually been eating less that I normally would at home. I eat a LOT of fruit and veg. Piles of the stuff. At other people's houses (I'm staying with friends) they just don't have that amount of food so I've been eating healthy things but not the portions I am used to.
Saturday at the wedding I ate some of the wedding cake icing and that was it. There was no evening buffet (which I think was odd) but it meant I wasn't tempted by anything. On the way home we stopped off to get some food as we were starving. I had a kebab with no meat. So grilled chicken, onion and lettuce. Not too bad at all.
Sunday I had scrambled eggs, fruit and yogurt during the day and steamed (1 fried) dumplings for dinner. That was all! I then hotfooted it out of London Town (this was all planned, not a riot avoidance technique!) an hour north west.
Yesterday (Monday) I had fruit and yogurt for brekkie, chicken soup for lunch, a snack of cold meat and then thai for dinner. Now, we did go out to eat for dinner and I definitely ate more than I normally would but I chose as wisely as I could. Steamed dumplings (again) for started and then a seafood curry with sticky rice for main. As for exercise, I managed to get a free day pass from the local gym! I filled in their online form, called them up and the next thing I was being shown around by a membership manager. I told her I wasn't going to join and so she just told me where everything was and left me to it!
Today I went out for a run round about where my friend lives. And it felt really good. All of a sudden it feels easier to run. My body just feels that little bit easier to move. I've also ditched the looser jogging bottoms for tighter ones. Skin tight ones, which I wear to the gym and outside running. There is no getting away from the size of my backside but now I feel justified in wearing them. I don't think people are looking at me thinking "Why the hell is she wearing them. There is no way she's a fit person." So the run was good, even though on the way home I saw a fricking snake! I was just trotting along a path through a grassy field and there is was.... snaking it's way across the path in front of me! I shat myself.
Food again, was really good today but not having quite enough finally caught up with me and a few chunks of cold chicken turned into several hunks, hummous and and two small packs of melba toast. Not the worst snack in the world but way too much.
Overall though, I am rockin it! Normally I am much more slack at the weekend than I was so I"m hoping for good things tomorrow. I've got one more workout and and the whole day of eating until I get on the scales. Who knows what numbers might show up but the way I've been eating and exercising there is no way I can have put weight on. NO WAY!
Okay, I've covered diet and exercise so time for a quick social skills chat. Social skills? Eh? Yeah, I know that sound a bit mental but with a group holiday just days a away, which is also a holiday with TB, I need remind myself of a few do's and don'ts.
1. Do not turn into a moany girlfriend. The last few times I've been drunk I've ended up moaning at TB. I hate being that person and he's also mentioned it. Time to hit that on the head.
2. Don't forget to be fun with TB. Sometimes I slip into 'cosy girlfriend' mode. TB and I started our relationship off with lots and lots of witty chat and intelligent funnies. I want more of that and I think he'd like it too.
3. Do not be too blunt with people. If I don't like something then I can explain my thoughts in a way that's not too abrupt.
4. Be supportive of Glamour Puss (my best friend). She is really slim (but thinks she is huge) and always seems to look great. That can make me feel insecure and I end up not being as good a friend to her as I should be. Actually took a lot for me to admit that.
5. Don't tell TB when other guys have chatted me up.
Location:Holiday prep
Looks like you've been killing it down in London- go you! Enjoy your holiday!