Holy shrinking arse, Batman. 2.25lbs off!
What the hell is going on? You know the fairytale about the cobblers shoes and the wee elves that come alive at night...well I think they must be having a go on my scales. I can't actually believe this.
I suppose when I think back over the week, I AM putting the work in. I just can't believe the losses I am getting week after week. It's not like me. Not at all. This is the lightest I have EVER been. That doesn't seem real. To write that down. It's something I've thought about so many times and it just seems to have suddenly arrived.
So what am I doing? I feel like I need to note it down so that when I need inspiration in the future and I am struggling see past ice cream, sweeties and well, anything that's not nailed down, I can remind myself what works for me. Now that I think about it, that's actually not the problem time. The problem time is when I am trying to be good and I feel like I'm putting the work in but I get zero results or a paltry quarter pound here and there.
Exercise. I'm working out about four times a week just now. That is usually two runs, spinning and swimming. I can definitely feel my fitness improving and I know I am working hard during each of these workouts. I mean, I ran 7km the other day without stopping and at 6.20mins per km! Pow pow!
Food. This is where I really need to pay attention as this is when I can often cross the fine line between eating healthily to maintain or dieting. Yeah, yeah - we're not supposed to be on a diet. We're supposed to change our lifelong eating habits. I have done that. I have changed them and oh my god, I am such a healthy eater but to lose weight, I gotta be on a diet. I gotta go without and sometimes feel a little hungry. That's the reality.
What am I eating... for breakfast it's mostly melon and low fat yogurt. Sometimes porridge with a little honey. And not huge portions. I might have a couple of clementines before lunch, which is usually soup. I've got into the habit of making a massive portion of soup on Monday and freezing individual portions so I've constantly got a varied supply to choose from. This week's was spinach and chicken Thai style (which I just made up) and last week was cauliflower. I just have the soup - no bread or crackers or anything else at all. I might have another piece of fruit before dinner but usually just coffee. I drink a lot of coffee. Probably about 4 big cups a day at least - and then decaff tea in the evenings.
Evening meals are usually things like chilli and a sweet potato, healthy fish pie, sausage casserole. All really normal stuff. I'm just making sure I have a small portion. Oh, and it's always cooked from scratch. I need to remind myself, it's not some magic formula - it's just being organised - and not snacking.
There is one thing that I am sure is helping. I'm really busy. As soon as we finish our tea most weeknights, we are straight into painting and decorating until at least 9am. That's not exactly burning a load of calories but I'm on the go All. The Time. There is no sitting watching telly for hours on end. And and weekends too. That's gotta add up - right?
So it's heads down for another week - onwards and downwards!
Starting Weight: 14 stone 0.25lbs
Current Weight: 12 stone 9lbs
Weight Loss This Week: 2.25lbs
Total 2013 Weight Loss: 1stone 5.25lbs
Oh fantastic. You're really on a roll, well done!
Somehow missed this update... bloody hell you are on fire, well done champ! Portions, portions, i need to tattoo that on mah hand :)